Club Run Report – Route 2 – Phillimore garden Centre Melbourn

Setting off from St. Ives in 4 groups (A, B x2 & C), I opted to go with the second B group. Things seemed to be going well, until we passed the first B group at the side of the road going up the Papworth bypass. I assumed this was a standard puncture (if there is such a thing!), but learnt later that there had been a touch of wheels after which several riders came down!

I hope nobody was hurt – I understand that Gary came to the rescue of one member whose bike sustained a buckled rear wheel in the shunt, swapping wheels as his bike had more clearance for the distorted hoop & then escorting the rider home/back to St. Ives.  BIG THANKS to Gary for this very generous act.

Other than that, I don’t think there is much to report. The sky was wall-to-wall blue all morning. Our group stopped in Littlington just outside the church at 11AM, just in time to hear the last post being played by a bugler, observe the 2 minute silence followed by a short prayer from the Vicar to a small congregation – very poignant I thought.

Good stop at the Garden Centre (seems to be good value to me!). We had not been there long before the original ‘first’ B group came in, regaling the sorry tale of the Papworth incident. We decided to return as one group, managing to stay on course despite some attempted misdirection from me! We arrived back in St. Ives C. 13:30.

I hope everybody who was out had a good ride, please let me know if you did not!

Other matters

One of the actions I picked up from the Club AGM on Monday was to try to improve the experience of newer members on club runs. The feeling is that we need to provide some direction/education (call it what you will) try to make the B group(s) flow more smoothly, and hopefully improve the ride for all in the group.  To this end I’m looking for assistance & support from more experienced members.

If you think you would be able to help out by riding with one of the ‘B’ groups & supporting them, please let me know. I’m thinking we could spread the load by one of us just occasionally doing this, not the same person week in, week out (unless you wanted to!).
Also, as I have mentioned before, if you usually ride with the B group and think that the pace is at times a little too sedate, and/or you are looking to improve your riding, please seriously consider heading out with the A group.

Many thanks and a pleasure to ride with you.

Richard Neil 12.11.13