Evening TT results

TT last night – another windy night with the added threat of rain. The sky was looking very black! But thankfully the rain stayed away.

Thank you to everyone who helped out these weekly TT events could only go ahead with your help.

Well done to Keelan Purser who rode his first TT last night. Hopefully we will see you back again next week.

1    Jack Burgin        22.52
2    Mike Hoy        24.25
3    Phil Oxborough    24.44
6    Paul Schofield    24.47
4    Gy Gearing        25.32
5    James Warrener    26.10
7    David Rigby        26.24
8    Andrew Knowles    26.35
9    Sean Purser        26.50
10   Tony Rigby        27.26
11    Phil Merrit        27.34
12    Chris Penney    27.56
13    Nathan Gibson    29.24
14    Kevin Cumming    29.44
15    Chris Madden    29.46
16    Francis Syees    31.03
17    Berenice Curtis    31.15
18    Simon Pidduck    31.36
19    Netty Thompson    32.18
20    Samatha Harding    32.51
21    Keelan Purser    38.18